Straight Talk Special Offer

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Welcome to Awaken to Soul Mastery. You get...
STEP 1: Vision your Soul's Calling and Potential with Manifest Your Soul Calling 2-hour workshop with eWorkbook, meditations, and daily practices.
STEP 2: Watch for Miracles in Daily Life. Use the meditation Receive Support for your Highest Calling to open your heart, listen within, and recognize the miracles coming to you.
STEP 3: Use Everything! You'll love the video on Opportunity. Archangel Jophiel helps you to open to Creative Power from your Divine Plan. Take a quantum leap into the Field of Unified Creation!
STEP 4: Be Joyfully focused on your Soul's Calling. Let your heart sing with this Joy Activation meditation. Transcend into waves of Joy, ascending into the heavens and descending to earth literally bringing heaven to earth.
STEP 5: Relax into the Breath of Life with Archangel Ariel's Activation. Ariel activates the ability to connect in deep intimacy without fear. 
STEP 6: Connect with Others! Watch the video Loving Connections to dive into divine love. What if you could let the walls to fall down and your heart to open to deeper intimacy with friends and family? Take this journey into possibilities of loving connection.

Rev. Dr. Kimberly Marooney

We asked for awakening and here it is! As we emerge from COVID-19 Shelter In Place, we all have the opportunity to recreate our lives to serve our soul calling.

Rev. Dr. Kimberly Marooney is embracing this opportunity and is here to share with us what she is discovering.

This is familiar territory for Kimberly. She has been on the leading edge of Spiritual Development and Awakening for 40 years. Her beloved Angel Blessings Cards were the first to show the way and have benefited hundreds of thousands of readers worldwide. Kimberly's twelfth and newest book, The Little Book of Angel Healing: First Aid from the Heavenly Realms couldn't be more perfect for now. Kimberly is grateful for the divine guidance that directs her life with impeccable timing, love, and joy. Looking back, Kimberly never would have imagine! or that she would be President of Gateway.University, a school for the study of higher consciousness. Such is a spirit guided life.

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